31 January 2003

My Web Site

Sorry I've been down for a while. On Sunday my dogs were running around my living room when one or both of them got feet tangled in my computer's power cord. Undeterred they just kept running and my computer flew off the counter and about three feet thru the air landing upside down. Sparks flew and I ran across the room to unplug it. Naturally, it is now just a piece of junk. A shame because I had just about gotten Opera's bookmarks perfect and now I've lost all my website and blog addresses. Work taking priority I could not get out to buy a new computer until tonight. And I've spent most of the night setting up the computer, downloading Opera (my preferred browser), and configuring it. So far I think I've found perhaps 90% of my old websites and bookmarked them.

Hopefully, I will start full-force blawging again tomorrow. However, don't expect too much this weekend; I have a jury trial on Monday to prep for. The kid is actually innocent of what he is charged with (don't get that often) so there's a lot of pressure. There's always more pressure when you believe the client is actually innocent (not just not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt).

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