03 May 2003


"Inmates Dwayne White and Hakim Wilburn told the story of a jail-house game where inmates ``jump on'' a high profile case, read everything they can find about it and contact prosecutors' offices offering to testify.

`Jail hype was going around' about Kearney's case, White said.

Ronald Brookins, an inmate who testified against Kearney, bragged he would be home by the summer and have his Cadillac back as a result of his testimony, according to White.

Brookins said that he never talked to White."

And yet no new trial.

Every criminal lawyer worth his salt knows that this sort of scam goes on all the time. The convict tries to sell false info fora lessening of his sentence It is encouraged by police and prosecutors. Supposedly, the convicts are screened to exclude those who are lying but these guys are professional scam artists and the prosecution is predisposed to want to believe them. I've seen some of the ones who get thru; I'd hate to see the ones who don't make the grade.


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