08 May 2003



I have been looking thru the list of websites whence come the most forwards to CrimLaw. The top ten are:

(1) The Jurist
               Somebody over there just loves my blawg. This is by far the largest number of forwards.
{2} Blogger
               I'm guessing these are random hits from the front page when I post new messages.
-3- Legal Ramblings
               I highly reccomend this page.
[4] Palmetto Journal
               This page found me before I found it. Worthwhile read of various topics.
(5) Ernie the Attorney
               Ernie has the best laid out outline of blawg pages I've seen.
{6} Sua Sponte
               One of the first pages I started reading.
-7- Blawg
               I'm number 14!! I'm number 14!! Heck, I'm even ahead of Volohk (which shows how valid these rankings are).
[8] How Appealing
               This is one I look at every day.
(9) Lex Communis
                The most respected blog in all of north-central Fresno County. Very good.
{10} Legalguy
               Not sure how people got sent to me from there. I'm not on the guy's blog list.
-11- khuffash
               Why are people linking to me from a farsi blog?

My top ten list goes to 11 because that means my music is louder than everybody elses . . . er, I mean my list is better than all the others. After all, does InstaPundit have 11 in its top ten lists?

As an aside, I'm not sure how accurate bSTATS actually is. It tells me that several people have been forwarded to CrimLaw from this Washington Post article about personal injury "runners" in D.C. but I cannot see how. As well, it doesn't tell me who has bookmarked the page and is just accessing it that way; those show up on the daily list as just empty slots.

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