11 June 2003

Congratulations to the feds for starting to investigate someone they should be. Hard to believe they can find the time since they have to concern themselves with so many gun and drug cases which should be handled by State prosecutors.

You know something is wrong when conservatives are complaining that the feds are wasting time and resources in law enforcement. CATO is not happy with the misuse of federal law enforcement to catch small time criminals:
"As was widely reported, the Phoenix FBI office knew about Al Qaeda activity at U.S. flight schools prior to September 11 but could not get the Bureau's main office in Washington, D.C., to take action. In fact, Kenneth Williams, the FBI agent who recommended canvassing flight schools for Islamist radicals prior to 9/11, couldn't concentrate on terrorism full-time because he was ordered to head up an arson investigation. Williams' memo about Bin Laden-ist pilots-in-training disappeared down a bureaucratic black hole. Meanwhile, according to the Los Angeles Times and other sources, the FBI was engaged in an 18-month-long sting operation at a brothel in New Orleans that netted 12 prostitutes. While Al Qaeda was preparing for 9/11, federal law enforcement was down in the French Quarter acting like the local vice squad."
from InstaPundit
And over at TownHall.com they are upset that federal prosecutors are getting around prosecuting citizens for real crimes by charging people with misleading public statements related to the acts of which they're not charged: "So much for the First Amendment."


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