13 June 2003

Out there blawging . . .

As I am wont to do I took a scan around the blawgosphere this morning and these caught my eye:

Volokh is reporting that someone out there is looking for blonde Harvard Law grads to preview the new Legally Blonde film. I made the mistake of comparing a lady lawyer I knew with Elle; it's a mistake to only make once in my life.

Freespace, the province of long, philosophical postings, notes: "It is truly shocking—I mean, really, really shocking—to find oneself having to explain to one’s fellow lawyers why it is wrong to steal. And yet I find this to be an obstacle I encounter frequently!" Well, my clients don't think it's wrong - why should I be any different? ; )

Decnavda's Dialectic tells me I am a racist (although it might not be on a conscious level). I disagree but s/he might be correct (who can judge their own actions without some bias?). I just think I embody everything the Democratic Party's powerbase labels as evil. Does anyone out there think that, as a white, Southern, Catholic, business owning male the Democratic party offers anything for me?

EthicalEsq? points to Common Good's suggestions offered to "fix" the tort system. This is an extremely good site which I reccomend. I want to reply to just about everything he writes (usually mixed concurrence/dissent) but there are just so many hours in a day. Just as a quick reply - I think Common Good is offering a pro-defense rule under the charade of neutrality with the purpose of preventing smaller cases from being economically feasible. (entry originally said Common Cause but EthicalEsq? points out that it is "Common Good" - oops)

Gideon's Promise seems to be setting itself up as Martha Central. But he did miss this at detache.org.

Legal ramblings is wondering about the exclusionary rule. I reccomend reading the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy article in the latest edition which explains why the Court felt cornered into taking this step and the beneficial effects it has had for our constitutional rights. I cannot find this online (sorry).

Lex Communis was kind enough to mention my site. This is always a good site to read. Just don't ask him if he knows anything about Amber Fry.

Southern Appeal: O.K. so I go over to Southern Appeal eager to get his perspective on the hearing and he has not posted it.

TalkLeft seems to be working with my Opera Browser now. Good site. I disagree with about 80% of it but it's still a good site.

SW Virginia Law Blog points out that you need a nickname in order to get elected sheriff in Virginia.

UK Criminal Justice Weblog: The British are scrapping their current judicial appellate system and setting up a supreme court.

unbillable hours lost his/her first criminal trial yesterday. Welcome to the club.

sua sponte got good grades. Congrats.

And this is still the most over-the-top prosecutor's page I have seen.


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