24 July 2003

The Law and Law Enforcement:

(1) The judge didn't like a verdict against an ex-trooper and his former employer so he just threw it out.

(2) In San Fran a police captain transferred while there is an investigation as to whether she ordered a police officer not to be investigated as a suspect.

(3) In L.A. a police officer pleads guilty to being a part of a prostitution ring.

(4) In Roanoke a tiff over the stationing of police officers in schools - which appears to have been set off by an officer whistle-blowing - has been reported on here and also here.

(5) You cannot arrest an attorney for obstruction just because he offers to represent someone you've pulled over and then tells that person to not cooperate in your investigation. Great! A whole new source of clients. I guess I can start prowling up and down Jeff Davis highway1 at 2 a.m. in the morning and just pull up on traffic stops to offer my services. They're going to end up being clients anyway, why not be proactive?

(6) A prison guard has been charged with robbing banks.

1 Yep, for those of ya'll who are Yankees, we do have a major highway named after the President of the Confederacy. We also have big monuments to all the Generals and the fallen soldiers. This is, after all, the city that was burnt to the ground at the end of The War of Northern Aggression.


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