12 July 2003

News in the Various Murder Cases:

(A) With governor Warner doing the politically correct thing rather than taking a moral stand the lawyers in the Swisher case have been reduced (in the three weeks the governor gave them) to arguing "ends of justice" and urging the Virginia Supreme Court to expand its powers.

(B) The Sniper cases: In the Muhammad case the prosecutor has decided he will agree to move the case to a different jurisdiction. And here is a report of all the groups who are taking an interest in the case.

(C) Murders in New Orleans are up 30%, surpassing even D.C.

(D) A 30 year old man, a 14 year old girl, a satanic wedding, and a murder.

(E) The man whose family was killed while he was apparently not in California took the prudent step of not talking to detectives without his attorney after he turned himself in in NC. It prompted this remark from Bakersville, Ca. law enforcement:
"We are going to be contacting Mr. Brothers' attorney, because Mr. Brothers has an opportunity to lower our suspicions, and the way he can do that is by talking to us. After all, he is the father of these children, it was his wife that was murdered, and we think he'd want to talk with us."
Personally, I think that Mr. Brothers did the right thing. Remember that Mr. Brothers is the only suspect for the police and never forget what Cardinal Richelieu is reported to have said: "Qu'on me donne sic lignes ecrites de la main du plus honnete homme, j'y trouveral do quoi le faire pendre."1

(E) In Illinois a judge has ordered that DNA must be retested using new techniques in a 1993 murder because the old techniques were not determinative.

1 What, you mean you don't speak French? "If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him." I don't read French either, but doesn't it look cool?


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