31 July 2003

Police and the Law:

(1) An article decrying the tendency of the media to report things about police negatively and denouncing the methods used to reach those criticisms. I agree that it is darn near impossible to find positive stories about the police (other than the occasional puff piece about someone retiring). I know; when I started noting stories here about the things going wrong in various police agencies I tried to look for positive stories to balance them out and found almost nothing. Not that I think it means that the majority of police are acting improperly - quite the contrary, I think most officers are out there busting their bums trying to do the right thing. On the other hand, I don't think it is necessarily indicative of Leftish bias either - I think it just makes a sensational story when a policeman does something wrong and it sells papers or keeps people tuned to their televisions.

And along that line -

(2) Something interesting must be going on at Harvard. The campus police have refused to give the campus newspaper their records for the last several years. The newspaper, with funding/help from the ACLU, is suing.

(3) Two police officers attack a 59 year old man with their batons and pepper spray.

(4) 35 pardons are granted because an officer was found to have committed perjury.

(5) Officers hurt a crippled man.

(6) In the case where an officer threw a young man against the car and hit him the jury deadlocked. The prosecutor says there will be a retrial.


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