05 August 2003

It's Begun.

Remember all those rumors about the glee in prosecutors' offices about the "anti-terrorism" statutes? Remember the rumors that prosecution conferences were talking about how the new "anti-terrorism" laws were going to fill the gaps in the law which had been keeping those evil criminals from getting the punishment they deserve?

In North Carolina a prosecutor is abusing the law because he doesn't like the punishment which is set for those manufacturing methamphetamines. Instead of charging the appropriate crime, he's charging the Defendants with manufacturing a nuclear or chemical weapon1 for the sole purpose of increasing the punishment range.

All we can hope is that he runs into a judge who has the sense to stop this silliness.

1 Because, as we all know, the human body's reaction to meth is just the same as it is to mustard gas, nerve agents, and/or blood agents. Right?


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