08 September 2003

The techtv Defense Team:

the screen savers is the flagship show of techtv. Basically, it's Car Talk for the computer with a couple minor differences1.

Anyway, as I watched some recent shows, I began to notice how criminal matters are becoming wrapped up in the show. First, I hear them talking about Jeffrey Parson, the kid who was arrested for modifying the latest round of viruses. They referred to him as a "script-kiddy" who was not all that bright and was being targeted because the feds realize there is no way to capture the author of the virus itself. Shortly thereafter these quotes came forth from the kid and his family:
"[Jeffrey Parson] expressed concern the government was going to make an example of him.

"I understand that the government needs to catch someone for these crimes. I'm not the one they need to get," he said."
. . .
"My son is not brilliant; he's not genius," Rita Parson said. "Anyone that has any computer knowledge could have done what Jeff did."
found here
And then, on Friday Adrian Lamo, who is currently on the lam from federal charges out of New York called in to explain his situation. Mr. Lamo is famous in certain circles for hacking into businesses' computers and then letting the business know about the vulnerability so that it can be fixed (you can also find a video of the event there). It appears that when he hacked into that bastion of liberty the NYTimes, the NYTimes decided that rather than be grateful that it was being given an opportunity to fix its system before someone who wanted to do something malicious could do so, it would be spiteful and vindictive. Thereafter, it brought in the feds who now refuse to disclose the charges brought by the government (probably because the government has massively overcharged).

BTW, bravo to Mrs. Lamo for facing down the threats of the federal officer when he tried to do a search for which he had no constitutional right. Always enjoy seeing an average citizen standing up to intimidation and asserting her rights.

techtv's lawyers must be going absolutely nuts over all this.

1 It's a TV show featuring a couple of loveable, goofy geeks (bring back the sledge hammer and the kilts!) who explain new computer hardware/programs (although I'm still waiting for a review of the Electrovaya Scribbler Tablet PC) and take calls to solve people's problems. The support staff includes a couple of supergeeks who could build a computer from twine and bubblegum and still make it a better computer than any I have ever bought and at least one (often two) cute young lady who is technically proficient.

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