30 November 2003

Police in the News:

(1) An off duty officer stops a bank robbery.

(2) Milwaukee get a woman as its top cop.

(3) An officer was accused of participating in a scam by confidential informants wherein evidence was planted/fabricated to get money for information. The informants testified for the prosecution and the federal prosecutor summed up by saying, "Either all the victims are lying, or the defendant lied."

The jury decided that all the victims lied and found the officer not guilty on all counts. Apparently, this was followed by loud protestations by Hispanic rights groups who claimed it was a decision which chose the officer over an ethnic group. Of course, one suspects that Officer De La Paz might, just maybe, perhaps be a member of that same ethnic group.

(4) Tired of police coming into your neighborhood and arresting people for DIP? Well, you could always engage in the Guatemalan solution: burn the police station down.

Maybe that's why my local police force is in a concrete building.

(5) Four officers accused of stealing $3,500 from citizens during a routine stop.

(6) Nevada police chief arrested for witness tampering.

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