04 January 2004

DUI's in the News:

(1) SW Virginia Law questions the $20k figure which this article gives as the cost of a DUI trial / conviction. I gotta say I am dubious as to the quoted costs - especially after I read what I'm supposed to get paid to represent Defendants with DUI's: $4,000. How in the world did they get that figure? It seems just a wee bit out of the normal fee range.

(2) In Ohio they are going to start forcing people to put special colored plates on their cars if they are convicted of driving under the influence and have a restricted license. Interesting. Not sure how I feel about that. I really don't have a problem with punishments that stigmatize or embarrass. Often that is the most effective way to enforce a law. Still, I can just see these people being constantly followed down the road by police and stopped on the slightest pretext. This is also a Lawyer's Relief Bill. Just imagine the people of a certain status (associates trying to make partner; legislators; ministers; etc.) who will pay a ton of money for an attorney to fight tooth and nail in the attempt to keep the plate off their car. Hmmm . . . maybe it's time to move to Ohio . . .

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