01 June 2004

Paradigm Shift

Due to various things constraining my time this blawg is going to become a one post a day site. Hopefully the daily post will be worthwhile.

I know I've put out this offer before, but if there are any practitioners who wish to sign on to put in their two cents worth you are welcome. I'm sure those valiant few who make their way here to read each day's ramblings would appreciate another's views on the practice of criminal law. Defense or prosecutors are welcome. I have only one hard and fast rule: this site is about criminal law - not politics.

I've also enabled the comments. This is a test to see if it does not muck up my blawg like the last time I tried it. In a week or two I'll decide if it's something I will keep or not.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I had to sign in to blogger for my comments to post. Anyhow, Ken, I love your blog and hope that it has helped your drum up business (even if that is not your goal). One post is better than none.

  4. Yeah, I'm not too thrilled by that.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I think I've fixed it so that comments can be without registering

  7. Ken, I still have to sign in to my blogger account. All the best, Crime and Federalism.

  8. AnonymousJune 02, 2004

    Hi ~ I'm glad that you decided to add comments. The way to fix the comment ID thing is, under settings, there's a section for comments, under "Who can post?" the answer could be "anyone."

  9. I've gone into setting and I now think everyone can post anon.
