17 September 2004

Out & About

1. The collateral effects of stealing the fence from a hippo's cage.

2. Some *^%&^$ gets his baby daughter drunk.

3. This is just brazen.

4. Who needs work-study? There are easier ways to make money: you can write your own tickets.

5. NGRI - it's not murder if you believed you were battling Satan.

6. You really shouldn't fall asleep in the middle of your burglary.

7. Escape for 15 hours get 6 years. Not exactly the Shawshank Redemption.

8. Naw, it's not an irrational neo-prohibitionist movement that our legislature caves into more and more each year:
Candy Lightner, MADD's founder, says she disassociated herself from the movement in 1985 because she believed the organization was headed in the wrong direction. 'It has become far more neo-prohibitionist than I had ever wanted or envisioned,' said Mrs. Lightner, who founded MADD after her daughter was killed by a drunk driver. 'I didn't start MADD to deal with alcohol. I started MADD to deal with the issue of drunk driving.'

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