20 September 2004

Out & About

1. Giving lawyers a bad name.

2. The mafia runs a fair in NY - yeah, I know, you're shocked and astounded.

3. Comments on Blakely from someone who actually gets paid to write (I think).

4. It's free speech when protesters march down your street messing things up, making noise, and generally making a nuisance of themselves. But if you do one little thing to express your feelings on the matter . . .

5. Workin' 9 to 5, what a way to make a living . . .

6. "The moral of the story is clear: Do not work for the DA. If you do, you might have your bar license revoked."

7. We may be seeing some faint rays of light which could lead us out of the dark days of federal sentencing guidelines which the Legislature can meddle with (it ain't in the judicial branch if the Legislature can directly effect it with a Feeney amendment). Unfortunately, dusk is beginning on the other side of the pond. Lv UKCrimLaw

8. It's not terrorism but it's still a crime.

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