14 September 2004

Waters v. Commonwealth 24 AUG 04

Sorry the last couple days have been noteless. I actually wrote up a long entry for the two latest Va. Court of Appeals criminal decisions but when I tried to transfer it from my PDA to the computer something went kaplooie and I lost it. So then I thought I'd try to do them as a video entry.

Well, it took a while to get done but here's the one for Waters. It's more off the cuff than it would be if I had written an entry so don't take any of it as gospel. If you think there might be something worthwhile in the case you should read it yourself. In other words, always remember THIS AIN'T LEGAL ADVICE.

Be Advised: I haven't figured out how to fix the problem of the the sound not syncing with the picture. It may not distract ya'll as much as it does me. I just keep expecting to see me stop in the middle of the video and point to the sky hollering, "Gozirra!"

[addendum] You know, it would probably be a little helpful if I actually linked to the decision.

Waters v. Commonwealth

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