10 November 2004

Around the Web

1) I'd have never thought to call this a litigation strategy but I guess a client might see it that way.

2) Is that sarcasm I hear in Skelly's voice?

3) The theory of alternate punishment drug programs versus the reality.

4) Hey I'm not a jerk. Well, okay, maybe that's not what he meant but that's how I'm interpreting it.

5) No mens rea therefore no violent crime, therefore no deportation for driving drunk and hitting someone. You must at least know that there might be a use of an item to a purposefully violent end. LvCrimApp et SL&P.

6) I'm a PD is finding out that nobody drinks more than two beers before they drive.

7) Mr. DA continues the odyssey toward a warrant. How come I keep wanting to break into "I'm just a Bill . . .?

8) An interesting "evidentiary scale."

9) OMG!! Could you possibly shoot yourself more directly in the foot.

10) Can Catholics accept the Catechism and the death penalty in the United States?

11) Look, I know the judge was way out of bounds but this is not the way to try to get tried by a different federal judge.

1 comment:

  1. 4) Hey I'm not a jerk. Well, okay, maybe that's not what he meant but that's how I'm interpreting it.No way - you're one of the coolest (and thus non-jerky) blawggers out there.
