12 January 2005

A Jury From the Prosecutor's Side

Here is a thrilling, mind-boggling, amazing, and suspense filled rendition of a jury trial from the point of view of a prosecutor.

CAUTION: Make sure you set aside plenty of time so you can read it a couple of times and absorb all the subtleties.

1 comment:

  1. Well, my experience has been that most of the trial I won back when I was doing trials were considered to be "mine to loose" trials. I mean, what's to write about? The defendant drives his car _into_ the party store and asks the clerk to bring him a six-pack 'cause he's too drunk to get out of the car. Has a BAC of .24 on a hospital blood draw, but won't take a plea. . . not a lot you can say about the intense trial preperation, the gruling preperation of your key witnesses, and the sharp-as-a-razor cross-examination in a case like that. Unless, of course, you loose.
