22 June 2005

Interesting, Instructions on to how to defeat store electronic security. Now if there weren't those pesky security guys watching through those camera bubbles and jumping you as you try to leave . . .

via Transparent Grid.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 23, 2005

    This is amusing! I just handled the appeal of a woman convicted of shoplifting because her foil-lined bag "didn't work and the alarm scared her." There was a typical lack of evidence in the case (no-one saw her in the store, no alarm went off--contradicting her statement, the store couldn't produce a value receipt for the goods). However, that she was seen running (a block from the store), that she had an aluminum foil-lined shopping bag and her excited utterance that "the bag didn't work" and the alarm scared her was sufficient to sustain the conviction. Well, that and she didn't have a receipt for the 14 halter tops in her bag.
