24 August 2005

Guest Blogger Intro

Hi all. Ken has been kind enough to ask me to guest blog here for a spell, and I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm a solo practitioner in Philadelphia, where I specialize in criminal defense (primarily white collar, but not solely) and appellate work. I'm looking forward to contributing, and to hearing some comments and maybe having some good discussion.


  1. Finally, somebody here who can explain Sarbanes-Oxley in ten words or less. ;-)

    Welcome to CrimLaw

  2. Here's hoping you have some good stories to alleviate the CrimLaw drought.

    Hey Ken, can you get someone from Chicago to join in? I'd like to hear from a local---and maybe get their contact information...you know...just in case...because I like to live life on the edge....

  3. Oh, I can explain Sarbanes-Oxley in way less than 10 words -- it sucks. Really. In all seriousness, I am actually working oin something on S-O and will post it here when its done.
