30 August 2005

Leashing Prisoners

Indefensible posts about a prison's use of a leash as a manner to control shackled prisoners. The leash is used when the inmate is fully chained with a waist chain, has his hands cuffed, and his legs shackled (for those who haven't seen it this is a set of interconnecting chains). The leash is attached to the waist chain.

This is used in Virginia. have seen a situation where it is in use and situations where it is not. The one time I actually saw it used was with a violent and seriously disturbed client. The guard stood about 4 feet behind the client with the leash held taut so that Client could not make a lunge for me. When the leash is not in use what I've seen is the guard standing behind the client with a hand firmly grasping the collar of the jumpsuit and t-shirt and the other had lower (I think holding a lower part of the jumpsuit). I'm not sure either will control the inmate if he decides to make a lunge, but I think the leash is probably the better option. The client has room to move with the leash and it has got to be more comfortable than some guy standing there holding him erect and making him face a particular direction by yanking his neck around.

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