20 December 2005

Don't Borrow Commie Books

A college student ordered, through an inter-library system, the Little Red Book. Why? He was writing a paper on communism for his class on fascism and totalitarianism.

Next thing he knows, federal agents show up at his door.

1 comment:

  1. This story lacked credibility.

    1. Most schools (including the UMASS system) don't request ss numbers on ILL forms.

    2. The Little Red Book is available on the internet in English and Chinese.

    3. The student's name wasn't mentioned. (I would have liked to have known whether he was American or not -- my guess is what he was foreign, not that it matters.)

    4. No details of the questions asked were mentioned.

    5. Many academics (and lawyers, buinesspeople, etc.) travel abroad frequently, and check out similar books from libraries.
