02 March 2006

Around the Web

1) Austria criminalizes stupidity. Via SA

2) Blonde Justice experiments on her clients.

3) I've seen more than one judge keep a woman in jail because she was a drug addict and she was pregnant.

4) Mike is reading help wanted ads.

5) No jail for stripping your employee (at McDonalds).

6) The Evil Empire will be K-mercialized.

7) Y'know, this is just another comment to add to my potential Court of Appeals nightmare, but I can't help myself. Is it just me or does everyone else who looks at the picture think "Monty Python?"

8) Justice Ginsburg fell asleep during oral arguments. Via Q&O.

1 comment:

  1. Re: #7 I, too thought Monty Python. I also thought 'corncob.'
