09 March 2006

Fatal Hit & Run Suspect Killed Girl, 13, in Tennessee

A woman arrested for a fatal hit-and-run in South Richmond (VA) spent several years in a Tennessee prison for killing a 13-year-old girl during a hit & run in 2001. The picture to the left is her actual booking photo/mug-shot.

UPDATE: Murder charge to be sought in hit-and-run case-
Prosecutors to request indictment; suspect asks for treatment program


  1. Worth a thousand words.

  2. she looks so happy about it!!!

  3. I fail to see the problem. If you are booked, you still are 'innocent' and therefore why give the DA ammunition by showing the jury a photo of yourself wearing a "Aw they got me" expression.

  4. Still, she's been arrested, but her face doesn't reflect that at all. If I was arrested, whether I was innocent or guilty I wouldn't be saying "WOO HOO!"

  5. Should she maybe look more like this guy?
