04 April 2006

Banishing the Law

OMG! Virginia has banished all English common law. No more citing the Great Charter folks.

If the English common law now has no weight doesn't that mean there is no longer a recourse to an original intent argument in Virginia?


  1. The statute doesn't say that. It only says that it applies if it doesn't contradict other sources.

  2. Read the part in the parenthesis. Virginia repealed this and this evinces a legislative intent to do away with English common law.

  3. Ken,

    I think you will find that the Title was recodified and the exact same language is now found in Section 1-200.

  4. Got to keep your eye on the Code writers, Kenny. They'll move things on you.

  5. Oh, sure Tom, take the fun out of it all by pointing out the actual legal reality. :-b
