09 April 2006

Continuing Legal Ed Ads I Got Last Week

Go down. I put things in a table and for some reason it caused the post to have a giant white portion at the top. I'll try to fix it when I get home Monday night.

For those of you who aren't lawyers, every year lawyers are required to take legal training ("Continuing Legal Education" or "CLE's") for a certain number of hours of legal training and a couple hours of ethics training (the actual hour requirement varies from State to State). This training can be done over the phone or internet or by attending a video recording of earlier training. However, most of the time people go to seminars or conferences which involve going to another city, spending the night before at the hotel's bar with other lawyers, and spending 9-4:30 on Friday sitting in a room with 100+ other lawyers watching a number of hour long lectures; there's also usually a lunch with a speaker. Personally, I find that most have one (maybe two) lectures and a lot of filler. I may be the only person who feels this way but somehow I doubt it - at least I don't do office work or read a paper during the lectures like I see a lot of people doing during the lectures. Anyway, some of the lectures are put on by the Bar and others by people trying to make money and they are big business.

Every week I get a lot of advertisements for CLE's. Last week I decided I'd keep one copy of each (several came twice and at least 2 came three times) and lay them out for you good people. I've broken them down into 4 groups and pertinent facts for each CLE.

NameLocationFee + Other CostsTime Consumed
Relevant to My Practice
The Perfect Jury: Selecting, Connecting, & Winning Them Over (National Association of Criminal Defense AttorneysPhiladelphia$520 + $1502 working days
Criminal Enforcement of Enviromental LawsD.C.$9952 working days
Virginia Bar ConferenceVirginia Beach??? + $1502 working days & Sat
28th Intensive Session in Trial Advocacy SkillsD.C.$2,50010 days
Health Care Fraud 2006Fort Lauderdale$8753 working days
Trying to Make Me Ethical
A Case Study of Sir Thomas MoreRichmond$1791/2 day
Secrets of the Virtuous LawyerRichmond$1991/2 day
And Everything Else
15th Annual Employment Law Update SeminarRichmond$2291 working day
24th Annual Real Estate Practice SeminarRichmond$2091 working day
Helping Your Client Select the Best Entity OptionNorfolk$3091 working day
27th Annual Advance Estate SeminarIrvington, Va$4001 working day & 1 weekend day
2006 Tort Law SeminarRichmond$2501 working day
SEC/NASD ComplianceD.C$9951 working day
Debt Collection 101Richmond$2601 working day

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