21 April 2006


1) The Church is pushing the Philippines to abolish the death penalty.

2) Amnesty International is urging the EU to push Japan to abolish the death penalty.

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3) Meanwhile, back in the good old US of A - In South Carolina it looks as though there's an excellent chance that the application of the death penalty will be broadened.

4) And the Moussaoui circus goes on with the government admitting there is no credible evidence that Moussaoui and the shoe bomber had anything to do with one another.

5) In Illinois, the fact that your murder conviction was on appeal when the governor declared all death penalties commuted means you are commuted as well - even if the appellate court granted a new trial.

6) In Vermont the Supreme Court will decide whether the year-and-a-day rule ever existed in the State and if it still does.

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7) Australia: Perhaps you shouldn't agree to a DNA test if it proves you're the person who committed the murder.

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