07 May 2006

Yale's Lookin' fer Fightin' Words

Got this in email today and thought I'd pass it on. Unfortunately, as submerged as I am in the minutiae of Virginia law I don't know if I'm prepared to argue an issue big and contentious enough for the Yale Law Journal (somehow I don't think they're interested in Virginia's speedy trial statute). Maybe some of ya'll will be better prepared for such an argument:

The [Yale Law] Journal seeks to publish two Articles engaged in a dialogue on a single compelling legal topic. Selected Articles will be published in the same issue in the spring of 2007.

We encourage scholars to submit pieces in development rather than completed pieces ready for submission and publication so that the pieces that will evolve in response to each other. Interested authors should seek out a colleague in their field with a differing viewpoint who will join them in this project.

There is no subject matter limitation for submissions, but the topic should be both contentious and suitable to thorough and engaging discussion.

Each submission should include a partially developed paper of at least 5000 words and the author's curriculum vitae. The interlocutor should include a prospectus of at least 1200 words, as well as a curriculum vitae. Please send proposals via e-mail in MS Word format to the Features & Symposium Committee at features@yalelawjournal.org. The subject line should read: Debate Proposal: [Title]. All submissions must be received by August 1, 2006, and the Journal will respond by August 15.

Hmmm . . . Isn't Yale one of them there North-Eastern Yankee schools? Probably even liberal. Even if I could get something published it would probably be grounds for disbarment in Virginia.

Heck, I'm not sure this here Southern boy knows enough three dollar words to write something for Yale. And there's no way I could get back into the habit of finding a citation for every third word. Not to mention the heart attack I'd give any law school editor who looked at my citations (I haven't even picked up my Blue Book for at least five years). So, I leave it to you, my intrepid readers, go forth and submit thy ideas to that shiny Law School upon the mount. Honestly, do it - it would be so cool to see the first footnote say
* Authors: Sam Schmedlap and Bobby Bilal, graduates of Podunk School of Law, co-practioners in the area of traffic law based in the State of North Dakota. Sam and Bobby wish to thank CrimLaw Blog for notice of this call for publication and encouragement in our submission.
Good luck everyone.

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