30 June 2006

The New Look

Here's your chance to comment on the new look for the favicon and the blawg in general. For comparison, here's Wayback's list of prior versions of the blawg. If you don't like the new look I'd appreciate if you'd tell me which one you preferred.


  1. i like the heading of the sept 19th/23rd versions (i.e. the books). but i also like the format of the feb 3rd/8th layout (in particular, the left sidebar - good witdth, and i like how the links fit in and are organized). the one thing i might suggest changing on your current layout are the links - it's difficult to see the links, so perhaps a brighter shade of blue (or green, purple, orange, etc.) would work.



  2. AnonymousJuly 04, 2006

    I like this one.
