04 July 2006

Happy Baseball 4th

As befitting the time of year, I have been spending my week going to that most American of games, Baseball. Sunday I went to watch the Richmond Braves win in the bottom of the 9th 3-2. Monday I went and saw the Petersburg Generals lose in the 9th 5-4. I got pictures from the Petersburg game although the ones that turned out (still learning to use the fancy new camera) are actually of the Edenton Steamers.

Steamers' Pitcher

The Edenton 3d base coach looking on as the sprinklers suddenly pop on and drench the field.

That's a General running for first.

Congratulating the winning run.

BTW, if you are in Central Virginia I highly recommend the Generals' games. It's a lot of fun and all the seats are amazingly good and there are not all the major hassles of trying to go to Richmond to watch a game.


  1. AnonymousJuly 08, 2006

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  2. TCO SAID . . .

    Richmond hard? What [] are you, a country bumpkin? Diamond is great. And after the game go grab some alcohol in the Fan.

  3. Yep, that's me. Country bumpkin #1. Only problem is there ain't no country left around here. I couldn't possibly have been annoyed that all the pay parking lots were shut down when I went to the Diamond and all the private lots around were filled up.

    The Fan? C'mon, I'm older than 25. Nobody older than 25 willingly goes to the Fan.

    Anyway, the major difference is that every seat at the Generals' game is as good as the best seats at the Diamond. And the level of play seems to be about the same.
