17 September 2007

You expect this at a place with a name that ends in Mart

Not at Tarjay (that's Target for those who don't pretend that they know French or that Target is a snooty place to shop).


  1. Why would you expect this sort of thing at Walmart? Because only bad people go to Walmart?

  2. Oh, wait. Maybe you were referring to K-Mart.

  3. And that's Wal*Mart now. They all have the star in between nowadays.

    And if only bad people go to Wal*Mart, I must be a very, very bad person, 'cuz I tend to stop by at least 3 times a week.

    It was more a comment on how people who shop at Target somehow think that it's more upscale.

  4. Gotcha. My wife shops at Tarjay for that reason. I go to Walmart which aggravates her liberal friends when they find out, some of whom have got into quite a huff about it. Especially when I tell them I only go there because they have lower prices on ammo.
