25 May 2008

The Joys of Writing a Ticket
Not Work Safe


  1. You know, I distinctly remember you editing one of my comments to remove my accidental use of the F-word. I guess you're not a family friendly blog any more? Tsk. Tsk. And you a public servant now...

  2. AnonymousMay 25, 2008

    Seriously... by the time that second "F-Bomb" (or the first "A-Hole") hit, I'd have this guy on the ground and well on his way to jail...

  3. Windy,

    The three Rules have not changed:
    1) Civility
    2) No politics
    3) Civility

    As to myself and my visitors, I expect some decorum. However, there will be times when things such as cursing come from other sources.

  4. Anon,

    First time I saw this, when he smacked the clipboard I thought, "Here we go."

    Gotta give props to that Trooper.

  5. Oh yeah, the trooper kept his cool. I have to wonder about the psychology involved. I guess it's the difference between dealing with someone who intentionally disrespects and provokes him, and dealing with someone who's just too crazy to get angry at.

  6. AnonymousMay 26, 2008

    Man oh man....

    My friend's son wants to be a cop, is well on the way in college actually. I'll show this to him with the comment "You sure you wanna keep your major?"

    This trooper has the thick skin of a politician and patience to boot. Amazing.
