02 September 2008

Courthouse - Letcher County Kentucky

Even when I don't have to go and work at a courthouse I end up at one. I had some business today at the Letcher County Courthouse in Whitesburg, Kentucky.

Here's the road leading up to the courthouse.

Here's the courthouse.

Here's the entrance.

Here's the Memorial to those from the county who have died defending their country. The white board you see behind the statue has a placard for each lost son of the county. At the top of the board is an eagle and "Those who share the peace honor those who preserved it."

And, of course, as there is in every small town with a courthouse - The Courthouse Cafe. Ate lunch there and it was pretty dang good. Cheeseburger, fries, pie, and ice tea all for about $9.00. The place was pretty classy. Wooden chairs and tables along with an honest to goodness wood floor - all used enough to look like they'd been there for 50 years and belonged there for the next 50 (classy old always trumps classy new). The topper was when I opened the menu and they had a selection of wines, beers (from Kentucky, who knew?), and some really nice bourbons. You gotta love Kentucky because people know their bourbons - it even had Blantons.

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