09 November 2003

The last week's blog traffic report:

Hits from the East Coast last week were about twice the hits from everywhere else combined. A few hits came in from the Far East (Japan) and Europe (Britain and maybe France).

The week began with a massive upsurge brought about by recommendations from Southern Appeal and Crescat Sententia (both are linked above and recommended). The top 5 referrers (in order) for this month have been Southern Appeal, Crescat Sententia, In Re, Screaming Bean and The Curmudgeonly Clerk. The top five referrers (in order) for the year have been The Volokh Conspiracy, Screaming Bean, SW Virginia Law, How Appealing, and Jurist.

The weirdest searches which popped up were "japanes bondage" (misspelling was in the search) and "what the church thinks about Marijuana as catholics." I can understand how the latter might be directed to me but the former? Admittedly, I have what I've seen referred to on a site (can't remember which one) run by an Asian American as "that strange caucasion guy hangup on Oriental girls."1 However, I cannot ever remember addressing the particular subject of that search at anytime. Maybe one of you out there has read my blog more closely than I and correct me if this is a misperception.

1 Among the various "hangups" I have for attractive members of the distaff half of our world.

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