09 November 2003

Law Enforcement and the Law:

(1) I doubt the Thai police force has problems getting new recruits: In a recent sting "[o]fficers posed as clients, had a massage, had sex and then arrested the women for prostitution."

(2) A DEA agent was shot in a deal which went bad and then the shooter committed suicide.

(3) Toys for Boys: In the U.K. cameras are everywhere and now their pictures can be beamed directly to officers.

(4) In the U.S. we threaten to sue in order to improve conditions in jails and prisons. In Brazil they go to war against the police.

(5) Another police force reevaluating police chases in minor matters because of the extraordinary bad results which can occur.

(6) At a golfing fundraiser for a sick family member of another deputy it appears as though some deputy(s) may have become inebriated and discharged a firearm. However, there wasn't enough evidence for the Commonwealth Attorney to file charges.

(7) Drawing a pistol on a bunch of kids. However, in his testimony this ATF agent denied this and denied the police testimony that he was intoxicated and explained away his comment to a bunch of girls that someone was going to die.

(8) The good news is that the CHP don't promote based upon prejudice. The bad news is that it will not promote you if you claim that it does.

(9) Meanwhile at The Hall of Justice: Internal Affairs has left files lying around for so long that they can no longer move forward on the investigations. For some reason the citizens of San Fran were upset enough by this to strengthen citizen oversight.

(10) Police assigned to protect a nuclear power plant went fishing at nearby lake instead. That's just wrong at so many levels. Have these people never seen the Simpsons before?

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