04 December 2019

Proposed Firearms Laws (Virginia) - Forbidden Locations

Day four (part two) of looking at the bills which several members of the Virginia General Assembly have proposed become laws restricting firearm ownership and use. From the Senate there are Bills 12141618, and 22 from Senator Saslaw; 13 and 15 (Senator Ebbin); 35 (Senator Surovell); 51 (Senator Spruill); 67 (Senator McClellan); 69 (Senator Locke); & 70 and 71 (Senator Lucas).  From the House there are Bills 2 (Delegate Plum) and 9 (Delegate Bourne). As stated previously, I know that's a ton of bills; I expect many to fail, get changed, get merged, etc. Generally, I would wait until the actual laws have been passed. However, because of the great amount of interest I'm going to look at these as they are in their larval bill state.

Forbidden Locations:

Every year, the General Assembly seems to add a place or two where a citizen cannot carry a firearm. Here's this year's list.

SB16 (Sen. Saslaw) - § 18.2-287.4 - No shotguns that carry over 7 rounds anywhere in public. Class 1 misdemeanor (up to 12 months).

SB71 (Sen. Lucas) - § 18.2-308.1 - Pre-Schools and Daycare Centers. Class 6 felony. Up to 5 years if mere possession. Mandatory entire 5 years if use or try to use the firearm.

SB15 (Sen. Ebbin) - § 18.2-283.2 - Commonwealth owned buildings where government employees conduct their business. Class 1 misdemeanor (up to 12 months) and forfeiture of the firearm to the Commonwealth.

SB13 (Sen. Ebbin) - § 18.2-283.2 - Capital Square in Richmond. Class 1 misdemeanor (up to 12 months) and forfeiture of the firearm to the Commonwealth.

SB35 (Sen. Surovell) - § 15.2-915 - Allows localities to pass an ordinance to forbid firearms at an event which requires a permit. No punishment laid out.

SB51 - (Sen. Spruill) - § 18.2-308.012 - Cannot possess a firearm and drink in a public space that has been approved for alcohol consumption. Class 2 misdemeanor (up to 6 months).

More Posts about the Firearm Proposals

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